Saturday, September 6, 2014

Meet Mr. Wanderful

Robin Williams (1951-2014) Image sourced from
Raised eyebrows and "ooohs" of interest is the typical response I get when I tell people that I am a sex therapist. Many assume I talk just about the birds and bees all day long but here's the truth: sex, sexuality and sexual disfunction are merely entry points into a client's deeper issues. Our bodies never forget what we've been through and it's often our bodies through which we discover that all is not well in our minds. For instance, addressing erectile disfunction may mean working through unresolved issues of shame or guilt that have led to depression (and erectile difficulties). So while I do help my clients improve their life by addressing sex and sexuality it is my training in mental health that has enables me to do so.
Mental health awareness was heightened a few weeks ago due to the suicide of the beloved Robin Williams. His tragic death and the fleeting spotlight on this disease that so many suffer has led me to take action. So without further adieu, meet Mr. Wanderful.
"He" is my NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) team- a league of walkers who are raising money and take a 5k stroll through Austin in order to bring more awareness to the issue of mental health. And even though I'm not quite sure how walking and raising money go together, I plan to do both in the name of awareness.
My goal is to raise $500 and your donation would be greatly appreciated. Whatever you can give helps! Do it in the name of a loved one who suffers from mental illness, for Robin, for awareness or because you just plain want to.
Donate here.
The walk is Saturday, Sept. 27th. Look for a post with pics from the event shortly thereafter!

"Not all those who wander are lost" J. R. R.Tolkien