Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Boundaries and Intimacy

I often discuss with my clients the importance of boundaries especially when it comes to your closest relationships. Establishing and maintaining boundaries is easy to do in new relationships but can be harder to do in longer relationships like with a parent or sibling. As we move into adulthood or try to establish ourselves more fully as adults with the people around us we must examine our relationships and shore up any holes that others have used to peck away at our self-worth. But that's hard to do without knowing what to look for. I've recently come across a great article on PsychCentral by Margarita Tartakovsky, MS, that outlines how to tell when your boundaries have been broken.

Six Subtle Signs Your Boundaries Are Being Broken:
1.You justify someone's bad behavior.
2.You blame yourself for things going wrong.
3.You feel shame.
4.You start doubting your decision.
5.You sense something is off.
6.Your decision is disregarded.

If you'd like to read the article in its entirety you can by clicking here.