Ha ha, thought so! What I'm actually talking about is the new movie starring Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel.
I recently had the honor of being the guest host for the prescreening of the new movie here in Austin at the Highland Galaxy 10. My small hosting duties were to answer audience questions. It was awesome to put my "sexpertise" to use in such a public forum. Movie-goers were given slips of paper on which to submit their sex questions anonymously. I randomly picked five of the best and just went for it!
Reviewing the submissions |
My favorite part was when an audience member shouted out the word "shower rod" during my brief summary of safe anal sex. (In my opinion, I think I handled it like a champ.)
This was a very cool experience for me and was so glad to have a few friends there supporting me. My work typically involves sitting in my office listening and empathizing with my clients so this was quite a change of pace. It was so much fun to be out and about and able to share my knowledge with people I would otherwise never have had the pleasure of talking.
After the movie, which was HILARIOUS by the way, I heard a few people debating on whether to approach and ask their own questions about sex. They never got the chance because we were on our way out. But whoever you are out there, if you're reading this, please do ask! I love fielding questions and putting all of my training and schooling to good use. This is my calling and I feel very fortunate to counsel and educate others on the the joy, struggles, pain, and ecstasy that come throughout the span of a healthy sex life.
Lastly, go see SEX TAPE! It opened last weekend and is a feel-good, fun time to share with your partner, despite what some critics say (and with whom I disagree but that's a different blog for a different day).
Thank you to Ryan Coronado for choosing me to help out and to the staff, media and other movie-goers that night for allowing us to record my portion, being interactive and just down-right cool.
Here's a clip from my very first Q&A. Apologies for the poor lighting of the video- it was a dark theater after all ;)